//Disable right click script III- By Renigade (renigade@mediaone.net)
//For full source code, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com
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Wednesday, 30 July 2008
keep it rocking, 10:17 pm
[AVRIL LAVIGNE - The Best Damn Tour]
7 SEP 2008 FOR HER
hmm.. thursday went rp to meet elson and ben.. friday, we went down ms again.. waited for their lessons.. and homeee.
My cap!
Watching them dancing was so cool and FUN. If im one of the dancing will be sooo goooodd... omg.. got two videos of them dancing button:) .. caught somebody tou lan inside ahhax!! ..anyway, gratz mireen and vivian for getting in for teenage icon.. and tmr's leon, daniel.. jiayou!:) 两只老虎 copyrighted by MS liao HAHAX..
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
keep it rocking, 9:31 pm
Today is really a moody day for me.. hmm, shall not talk about today since theres nothing much.. my stupid connection is really pissing me off.. i cant log in my msn for like weeks! when i go to explorer its also lagging.. needa load like hell long.. nvm.. i just fixed it.. thats why i can blog lol! update alil:)
anyway yesterday ben took cab from whereever place then drop by my place and fetch me to republic poly.. hahahx.. we started our tuition there.. sophia& elson came after that.. elson is busying doing something document with his lappy so we went to play pool up there.. hahax. Its my first time touching playing pool eh.. was like quite hard to play.. they taught me how to pose with my finger too.... library gonna close down soon, chit chat chit chat then walk back to causeway point. I lost my EZlink card on the way back.. omg.. was abit irritated.. but i got it back this morning at passenger service counter. Thanks God.. Could be a Republic poly student who return it.. wee.. I dont have to make a trip down and make another one :))
12days to NLevel Prelim, 36days to NLevel Examination. Its getter closer.. must really mug liao.. sorry khim for not going so like so mani times.. i always cant make it the day you guys choosed.. hahax.. sorry.. but will really find time to study together.. i need you'all de help.. haahax..
yea.. today is tuesday.. one more day before i can see my ms peeps! Have been spending most of my time with themm.. i cant wait.. being with MSian becuz it is always fun and enjoyable. I always tried thing i never tried before with MS peeps. cool huh.. ^^ hahax.. I will really miss them all if i dont see them. Well.. i really love them, love being with them and mostly importantly i cherish them alot.. Its like i always said this.. but its true k.. haahx.. somephotos below.. bye!
Check out my recent Destop wallpaper! XD
Sunday, 20 July 2008
keep it rocking, 11:06 pm
[Edited words, Added photos] 22july.
Hey people! These days is really great.
sorry for not updating frequently..my weekly timetable is always packed.. is like going out everyday.. except for tuesday and wednesday.. may stop going out so much soon.. yea.. went jurong west church for svrs with elson, ben, sharon and sophia in the morning.. anyway just came back from country club.. swimming lesson is really fun with them.. looking forward for next week.. hehex.. i cant remember what i did actually but still can remember alil..
hmm...monday to mediacorp to support er zuoju.. but unfortunately.. er zuo ju outed. dont be upset. you guys did well alrdy.. jiayou for revival yea:)
Thursday.. went republic poly to meet ben and elson.. for their bs there.. omg.. the library is so cool. so big but quite empty.. its open for all.. can check it out :) i like the school too.. very modern building.. rectangle shape with gray, black& white colour only... hahax.. after bs, went down Ms for their dance lesson. I used fang lao shi's room to practice song while they're having dance lesson.. wahhaha.. funn :) Friday went down Ms too.. Had supper together for both night too..
Saturday.. we went chong pang to support leon, sharon, shanshan& cindy for their competition.. gratz leon and shanshan for getting in.. sharon dont be too upset ok.. theres still lots chance.. you have tried your best and is your first time too:) jiayou!
hmm... may be catching movie with ms peeps next week.. yea..
have been spending most of my time with them.. im really happy. i miss them!! hey.. gotta go off now.. school tomorrow.. Prelim& NLvl is coming nearer and nearer.. shit.. recently.. my brain like sudden turned empty.. omg must mug!!!! jiayou jiayou!!
Monday, 14 July 2008
keep it rocking, 4:08 pm
[ Life ]
Hey peoplee!! sorry for not updating for age.. hope its not rotting...i just came back from a supermarket.. bought some stuff for myself and for siblings.. hmmm so i did went back to ms recently... yea.. ms is part of my life now! :) alrite, as i was saying.. '' life '' life, is really a hardest thing in LIFE. Life, theres too much things for us to worry about.. too much until we cant stop worrying. agree? yea.. followed by friendship.. i am sure everyone would want more secure in friendship yea? strong bonds.
early in the morning, when i stepped into the classroom. I really got so pissed off. SOME people actually did some thing by writing insulting remarks on me& my friends table.. Hey you people, really are so free?! we had already end our quarrelling.. why cant you just stop it?! Remember.. what comes around, goes around.. KARMA will eat you alive. Dont let satan control you..you need God will clear you.
Sigh, I was so down today... I teared... asked some i really trust.. about life, friendship. I am really touched. Thanks for those truth comment. seriously, i have learnt alot from you people.. i really appreciate it alot alot :)
After since i've joined ms.. i took ms peeps into me and being part of my life.. everyone of them.. esp to ben, elson, sharon, khim, leon, vivian, daniel, mireen and some others.. hope anyone who read my post dun get moody alrite.. i dont expect you to understand wad im saying.. but just.. thanks for reading.. jiayou ok !! jiayou !! rememebr to tag me before u leave.. below's some photo& video of daniel, elson performance.. congrats to my goodfriend elson& ben!! who got into next round.. you guys did really well.. esp elson.. great job!! daniel, dont be sad k;] theres still much chance and u did try your best already.. yea.. i gotta go off and prepare now.. going to mediacorp for superband.. support Er zuo ju!! thanks :] ciao..
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
keep it rocking, 8:30 pm
Another two days great days! Fun& unforgetable moments.
Im home now.. as in HQ hahax! im really tired for not having enough sleep..but still im going to blog.. hahax. so actually saturday went City Harvest Church.
Should have met sharon and others first then together but really sorry for not reaching in time and even got there soo late..
but i still get to listen for like one hour... hahax.
after svr ended.. everyone gathered around and with elson, ben, sharon's cell group members.. get to know angel as well..
shes really kind.. hahax.. After that, everyone had dinner together. oh my.. elson!! thanks for your intro..
i only had like few mouth full only.. then leave it there ..hahax
elson& sharon actually finished everything.. -_-
sharon so funny.. keep on banging
the table while laughing LOL! so '' ji dong ''
cant stop laughing while looking at sharon's action HAHAX.
i tried to copy her move...
but end up making elson laugh for touching the chilli..
after tat we went separated ways again like that day.. so me, ben,sharon, vivian, mireen, daphne& vindy took the opposite
line and train back together..
Yesterday- Monday
The whole day im like..omg so excited for superband's event& performance.. hahax..quite a time since i last went mediacorp.. ok, once school dismissed, i went back home and prepare.
bath& wadever.. and left home at 5..
met elson at cwp then train to yishun to meet others..
took 852 from yishun interchange.. the journey took like 40mins to reach there..
suppose to meet joyce they all at 5.30pm at the recep but we all reach at like 7.20? hahax.. got into the recording room after receiving tickets from hsinwen..
jasmine, shirley, mireen, jamie, cindy, vindy, shuan, jordan, daniel, vivian, shan, me, elson& ben.. the 14 of us was choosen to cheer for Er Zuo Ju beside the stage...
yeah.. so very soon the programme started..
everyone was really high yesterday esp ben! his one is extra high hhahax. everyone kept on jumping around and wo0-ing.. so fun!!
After B1, Dreamfactory.. it's Er Zuo Ju's turn.. although the judge said they didn't really well exceptfor janet.. but to me.. you guys did really well! christ& janet! jiayoujiayou!! :) jie gou lei, jie gou lei!! we all were shouting like mad people.. wooo. the rest of the other band did well too hahax.. i like dreamfactory, wu ge ren& screamm.. There a part i really love when everyone of us sang '' lian ai- ing '' together so loudly while waiting for the result recording.. cool! i love the feeling man.. just so high and happy!! so Er zuo ju was the first group to got in. OMG ER ZUO JU ROCKS!!
God is really Good.. He Gave me a Good Family, Great Friends, so much opportunities and so much more... look familiar? hahax but to me..now i really think this way too:)
upload photo really soon.. theres some connection problem so i cant upload any of them.. i took 2hours to post.. omg.. ahhh.
See you guys on thursday!
The blogger ...
My 2010 new year resolution: Strive harder, do better in any :)